surge illuminare
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Corpus Christi in Rome

Gratitude is expressed to The Roamin' Roman for the "Heads up" for our most Holy Father's solemn Mass and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament for the feast of Corpus Christi to be on the feast of Corpus Christi in the Vatican through the streets of Rome. Confusingly, Rome being Italy has this feast on the following Sunday, whereas St Peter's, the Lateran and other patriarchal basilicas being Vatican territory hold this feast on its real day, the Thursday ten days after Pentecost.
Please join those supporting our Holy Father in this solemn and splendid procession, alongside the hereinbeformentioned Ms Roamin', Surge, a host of heavenly angels, and the pious of Rome. Further invitations will be extended to you.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
TONE, or lack of it
The Cafeteria Is Closed: Feeling the heat ? reports further and unwelcome developments in the campaign being mustered in Orange against kneeling during Mass.
Father Tran's letters reproduced on the Cafeteria disclose the antithesis of Christian love; an unpleasant and unacceptable blend of overbearingness, smugness, sarcasm, and thinly veiled contempt for their recipients. How did he hope to achieve calling to Christ and to prayer with his words of smarm?
The hungry sheep look up (since they are kneeling down) are are not fed.
Father Tran's letters reproduced on the Cafeteria disclose the antithesis of Christian love; an unpleasant and unacceptable blend of overbearingness, smugness, sarcasm, and thinly veiled contempt for their recipients. How did he hope to achieve calling to Christ and to prayer with his words of smarm?
The hungry sheep look up (since they are kneeling down) are are not fed.