Location: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Canonisation of our Holy Father

"We can be sure that our beloved Pope is standing today at the window of the House of the Father, that he sees us and blesses us. Yes, bless us, Holy Father. We entrust your dear soul to the Mother of God, your Mother, who guided you each day and who will guide you now to the eternal glory of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

This extraordinary peroration at the funeral, given by he who would soon be Pope himself, was followed in November with another expression of sainthood already achieved. From the sermon at Mass for the Cardinals and Bishops deceased in the last year, offered by the Holy Father on 11th November, "...we recall his spiritual heritage, knowing [consapevoli] that his intercession continues more strongly from Heaven." Some recently deceased cardinals are then named, and their souls and those of the deceased bishops are prayed for. There is a clear distinction drawn between the late Holy Father and the others.

It would be fascinating to read what the then Holy Father said in November 1978, when there were two recently deceased popes.


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