surge illuminare

Location: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

Monday, December 31, 2007

Some Quiz Answers

7 a Marini
b Marini
c Marini
d Marino

8 Sitting amongst the clergy at the Mass of the Rings

9 Through a car park

10 Abp Ranjith

11 (this answer has been removed at the request of its subject)

12 Aula della Benedizione

13 a Hermeneutic
b Sedia Gestitoria
c Capo d'ufficio

14 Guitar

15 a 11 Prefaces, and 25 Saints of the Universal Calendar
b as far as the Pater Noster

16 a In the floor of St Peter’s Basilica
b twice

17 Broke the embargo

18 Villa Strich, Rome

19 A Papal Bull

20 Cheeses of the seaweed

21 One, counting the Capo d’Ufficio

22 Three Popes in St Peter's Square at the same time

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Winner

The staff of Surge Illuminare are both surprised and delighted to announce that the winner of the biennial Christmas Quiz turns out to be none other than......................

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, of Vatican City State. Congratulations!!

Second place goes to His Excellency the Titular Archbishop of Umbriatico , also of Vatican City State.

Third place goes to His Excellency Mons. Luigi Negri, not yet of Vatican City State, but would like to be.

Answers to the Quiz are expected to made public in the next few days, and a representative selection of questions shortly thereafter. Commiserations to all who enter but did not win.